Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Uncertain Times

Well, it's been a while since I last wrote in here. It's that time of year for chaos and this year seems to be a little more chaotic than others. I just want to quickly share what God is doing in my life right now.

I am currently consumed with uncertainties. With our nation and economy where it is and by being a foster parent, uncertainty has become a way of life for me. Lately, it has become all consuming. I am not worried or upset. It's just all I think about or talk about.

It's funny how God speaks to us. I happen to be one of those people that God has to repeat himself over and over and over and over again before I get it. And the past couple of weeks, I keep hearing the same words over and over. I hear them in my pastor's message. I hear them in music. I hear them coming out of my friend's mouths. I see the words repeatedly in books I'm reading and especially in scripture.


So I am choosing to trust the one person who can actually do something about my uncertain life right now. I may not know what is going to happen, but I can rest assured that it will be something good. Romans 8:28

1 comment:

Barbie Wagner said...

Sending prayers your way - God seems to be testing an awful lot of us - maybe our nation, or His people as a whole...
