Thursday, March 5, 2009

Making a difference

So often, I feel like I should be doing something bigger for God. The ways that I am serving Him seem so small. Am I really making a difference?

I was reminded by a friend today what a special job I have. I am serving Him in a way that He designed specifically for me. I am serving Him in a way that is most certainly making a difference for His Kingdom. I am a mom. How could I serve my God in a more special way than that? I am an example of Christ to my children. They watch me and learn who Christ is by my actions, by my love.

What could be better than that?

1 comment:

Joe and Carolyn said...

Yes, you do have a special job and are very good at it, despite your feelings to the contrary at times. Being a teacher and mother have both created in you the patience that I never saw much in you as a child. I am amazed every day at what a wonderful woman you have become. Love, MOM