Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Out of my mouth

Sometimes God is speaking to us, and we really aren't listening. So, He repeats himself again and again and again until we finally say, "OK! OK! I get it!" Today is one of those days. I have come across a verse several times and I would like to share my thoughts on it with you.

Psalm 5:9 "Not a word from their mouths can be trusted; their heart is filled with destruction. Their throat is an open grave; with their tongue they speak deceit."

In previous posts I've mentioned my struggles with anger management, self-control and holding my tongue. Here, David is talking to God about his many enemies. But for me, God is speaking about me. This verse describes exactly who I am from my heart. I am not perfect. I am a sinner. And to be completely honest, in my anger, this is who I become.

The words that flow out of my mouth come from my heart (Matthew 12:34). When I am yelling at my kids or my husband, my words cannot be trusted because I am usually trying to manipulate the situation to benefit me. My heart is filled with destruction because all I want to do is make the other person feel as badly as I do at that particular moment. My throat is an open grave as I speak words that are simply "killing" the other person's spirit (Proverbs 15:4). I speak with deceit as I spout out anything that comes to my mind, truth or not.

This verse speaks to who I am. But it is not who I want to be. It is not who God created me to be. And it is not who I have to be. With Jesus Christ in my life, at the forefront of my mind; with God's love overflowing in my heart (see again Matthew 12:34), I can be the exact opposite of this verse (Psalm 119:171&172). God has given me the power to no longer be this person who speaks destruction, deceit, and death. I can be a mother who speaks wisdom (Proverbs 31:26), righteousness (Psalm 51:14), and praise (Psalm 71:23)

Thank goodness for a God who forgives. Thank goodness for a Bible that can teach me how to change. I am so blessed to have His power and strength inside of me during the difficult times in my life. It is His words that will flow from my mouth when I become angry.

"May my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth if I do not remember you" (Psalm 137:6)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen....thank you for sharing this...Love you, honest woman of His.