Tuesday, October 28, 2008

What to do...

So what does the Bible say about how we should handle depression?? Here are some verses for you to review. This is not an exhaustive list for certain, but it will give you God's heart on this matter. Please listen to His voice as you read His Word.

  • Trust in God's unfailing love (Psalm 13)
  • Rejoice in my salvation (Psalm 13)
  • Sing to the Lord (Psalm 13)
  • Remember all the good things God has done for me (Psalm 13)
  • Call to and cry out to God (Psalm 18:6)
  • Praise God to all the nations; Proclaim what he has done for me (Psalm 18:49)
  • Keep God's laws; follow His commands (Psalm 18:21)
  • Love the Lord (Psalm 116:1)
  • I will walk before the Lord in the land of the living (Psalm 116:9) I love this one because so often in the midst of despair I feel as if I am surrounded by death.
  • I will lift up my salvation (Psalm 116:13-14)
  • I will fulfill my vows to the Lord (Psalm 116:13-14) Remember all those times when youpray to God "Please, if you just get me through this pain, I promise to start spending more time with you?"
  • I will be a servant of God (Psalm 116:16) Serving others will take your focus away from your problems.
  • I will sacrifice a thank offering (Psalm 116:17)
  • I will not die, but live! (Psalm 118:17) Memorize this one!!!
  • I will dance and be glad (Jeremiah 31:12)
  • I will not have "worldly" sorrow. I will repent. (II Corinthians 7:9&10)
  • I will have a cheerful heart (Proverbs 17:22)

I encourage you to study these verses while you are filled with joy. Memorize them. Meditate upon them. Hide them in your heart for those times when you will need them most, for those times when you do not have the strength nor the will nor the desire to open your Bible. Tomorrow I will share with you all of the wonderful things God promises that He will do for us in our times of desperation.

Lovin Christ, Karin

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love you, Karin, thank you for your courage to share His love, available no matter HOW we feel..