Wednesday, September 3, 2008

How to fix a happy...

My youngest son loves for me to rub his back and arms and hands. Do you have one like that? He's like a cat sometimes when he quietly sneaks up and maneuvers himself under my hand. So often, I find myself rubbing his arms without realizing how long I've been doing it. Most of the time, I really don't mind. It's sweet and offers some quiet, one-on-one for just the two of us. But there are some days when I've just had enough. Today was one of those days.

I had both of my four year old children laying on me for about an hour and I was tired of being touched. So I asked them very nicely to step back and give mommy a few minutes alone. My son looked at me with his sad eyes and said, "Mommy, you broke my happy," and he walked away with his head down and shoulders sagging. What was I supposed to do?? I had to fix his happy, and quick! I immediately put him in my lap and began rubbing his back.

This is exactly how my little boy always get what he wants!!!

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