Monday, September 29, 2008

Happy Mommy- Happy Father

I must admit, I have been known to bribe my children in order to get them to behave. Although, I think that I have done this one too many times. And I am sure many parenting coaches out there would disapprove of this method. But sometimes, it just has to be done!! My kids will often ask me, "What do I get if I'm good?" This is not a concept I want them to have. I want my children to do the right thing simply because it is the right thing to do, not because they are going to get something out of it. My reply every time they ask this particular question is, "You'll get a happy mommy." They usually respond with whining, to which I remind them that if they continue they will be getting a very angry mommy. This will most likely stop any talking,whining, begging or bargaining and I can have a few moments of quiet to myself.

I am so much like my children. I try my best to be obedient to God. I am a sinner and I am not perfect, and I'd like to think that I do my best live according to His Word. But so many times I think, "Well, if I do this one thing for God, then He will bless me with what I want." How many times have I prayed, "God, if you give me this (fill in the blank), then I will do whatever you ask of me." I expect to see tangible results for my obedience. Is this really the attitude God wants from me? It certainly is not the attitude I want from my children. I should be thankful that God hasn't already stricken me down by lightening for all of my shenanigans!

When I make good choices, then I will receive the blessing of a very happy Father. I've already received forgiveness for my sins, what else could I possibly want?

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