- He hears my cries (Psalm 18:6)
- He will draw me out of deep waters (Psalm 18:6)
- He will hold onto me (Psalm 18:6)
- He turns my darkness to light (Psalm 18:28)
- He is merciful, compassionate, gracious and righteous (Psalm 116:5)
- He protects me (Psalm 116:6)
- He has already saved me (Psalm 116:6)
- He delivers my soul from death (Psalm 116:8)
- He is my everlasting light (Isaiah 60:20)
- He will end my days of sorrow (Isaiah 60:20)
- He will redeem me (Jeremiah 31:11)
- He took my infirmities and carried my sorrows (Isaiah 53:4) Note the past tense here. Even in the midst of my pain, He has already taken it away. Do I contiunue to hold onto the pain or take it back from Him?
- He has freed me (Psalm 116:16)
Now these are just a few verses that you could look up and meditate upon. I could write for years about what God has taught me in each one. But I encourage you to do the work and listen to what God is saying to you. He speaks to each one of us differently. Choose a verse and cling to it in times of trouble. He will never break a promise!
My favorite promise to cling to when I am really struggling with life is Joel 2:25 "I will repay the years the locusts have eaten. " What are the locusts in your life? What does God promise you in this verse? How does that give you hope?
For Him, Karin