Having Flarp stuck in my hair is one Christmas memory I will never forget. But will my kids remember it?? Probably not.
I realize that I am one of very few people who can remember a great deal of their childhood. I actually have a memory of when I was still in my crib. I remember waking up from a nap, staring at my ceiling, and seeing the railing of my white crib. I remember standing up, holding onto the edge. I remember hearing dishes clanking together outside my room. I remember a large black spider crawling toward me. I remember being scared and screaming for someone to save me. I remember my older brother and sister coming into my room and pulling me out of my bed.
There are so many things I remember from my early childhood. Then I talk with friends who don't remember a thing before High School. It makes me wonder... what will my children remember??
There are moments in our days when I pray that they will remember. When we dance in our kitchen together, will they remember? When I tuck them in at night, rub their backs (like my daddy did), and pray for them, will they remember? Our family movie nights and game nights, will they remember? I pray that they forget the moments when I lose my temper or refuse to play a game because I am too busy folding laundry.
There are so many things I want my kids to remember. So, when they were born I began a journal for each child. During their first year or two, I wrote faithfully at least once a month. After that, my goal was to simply get in there at least once a year, on their birthday. But I often find myself jotting short entries in their books to remember something that they said or did that was too cute to forget.
Around Christmas time, I think a lot about the wonderful memories that I have. I want my kids to have some good ones, too.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Friday, December 26, 2008
Christmas Day Hair Flarping- A day to remember.
I wasn't sure if I should put this post on my family blog or mommy blog. Since I just put a post on the family blog, I guess it's time for me to talk about being a mom during this holiday.

As many moms out there, I have a vision as to what I think my Christmas day should look like... Excited children coming down the stairs to see the wonder of Christmas lights and presents under the tree. I dream of thankful children because they were given exactly what they wanted. A time of eating good food and maybe even an afternoon nap. But what I really envisioned this year was a day to spend with my family- playing games, opening presents, eating food, whatever! Just a day filled with joy, celebrating Jesus' birth.
It started out good. The kids were so excited Christmas morning. The oldest two rushed downstairs at the crack of dawn to open their stockings. I made them wait until my youngest was up before we could open the presents under the tree. By 8am, I thought the oldest two were going to explode, so I decided to wake up their brother. He had actually forgotten it was Christmas! How can a four year old forget it's Christmas?? But he did. When I reminded him what day it was, he rushed downstairs.
We opened presents. My husband and I spent the morning assembling racetracks, putting in batteries, and teaching the rules to new games. Then while the kids were playing, we opened our own gifts. It was a nice quiet morning at home.
Later in the morning, we went to my in-laws for breakfast. This is where all of the insanity began. One of the best gifts the kids got was this stuff called "flarp". It is just a small, plastic container of goo. When you stick your hand inside, it makes a farting noise. My kids loved it. They received many more gifts and lots and lots of sugary treats. They got so overstimulated from the excitement of it all, I didn't think we could ever bring them down. When we got back home, we Skyped my family in Atlanta and Germany and then sent everyone to take naps.
Naps didn't help. The kids woke up screaming, whining, pouting, demanding, and refusing to listen. They had become greedy little monsters amidst the rush of what is supposed to be a day of giving. We tried playing with them and their new toys. We played one game of Uno, trying to teach two four year olds the rules. (I was whipped by the end of that one!) We put together a new "Guess Who" game. (BTW, this is no easy task for those of you have never tried. The game is wonderful, but the set-up is rather difficult.) I showed the younger ones how to make smiley faces with their Light Brights and where they could carefully store the extra little pieces. It seemed everyone had calmed down a bit. Then my sister Skyped me.
As we tried to talk, each child ran in front of the camera to show their aunt a new toy. The excitement was beginning to build again. They not only showed her their new Christmas stuff, but they began bringing her just odd things like old, dirty mittens. At this point I told them all to go downstairs and play quietly for a few minutes. I just wanted to talk to my sister. Within minutes my oldest son comes upstairs and places something on my shoulder. As I reach back, I feel goop stuck in my hair. What was that? He is laughing. He had taken the "flarp" out of it's container and laid it on my shoulder as a joke, not realizing it was oozing into my hair. My sister laughed hysterically as I tried to pull this goo out of my hair. I was not amused. I sent the kids downstairs again and threw the flarp in the trash. My sister and I finished our conversation with orange goo in my hair. What could I do?? She insited that I should take a picture and post this on my blog. So here it is...
After our call was over, I pulled the rest of the flarp out, most of it anyways. Then I went to check on the kids. The basement was covered with all of their new Christmas toys, thrown throughout the room and pieces everywhere. The "Guess Who" game, which my husband and I had spent forever putting together, was in pieces. Every tiny, colored, Light Bright peg was thrown on the floor and stuck between couch cushions. The kids were laughing at the destruction of their new toys. And I had flarp in my hair!!!!
Now, it's Christmas and I want to give them a bit of a break. But this was too much for me to handle. After all of the fighting and whiny attitudes that I had heard today, I was at the end of my rope. I had the kids pick up all of their new toys and put them in a pile. We had a long discussion about being thankful for and taking care of the things we are given. So, yes, I took away my children's gifts on Christmas Day. Now, my husband was quick to point out that I was being a little harsh. But I had been leniant all day and this seemed to have created ungrateful, mean little children. Something drastic needed to be done.
Today my kids are more polite and thankful for everything. They are quickly earning back every toy through kindness and respect. Today is a new day and maybe they will remember this lesson next year. Maybe not. Either way, I am looking forward to today- a day of playing games and reading books and enjoying my beautiful children.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Uncertain Times
Well, it's been a while since I last wrote in here. It's that time of year for chaos and this year seems to be a little more chaotic than others. I just want to quickly share what God is doing in my life right now.
I am currently consumed with uncertainties. With our nation and economy where it is and by being a foster parent, uncertainty has become a way of life for me. Lately, it has become all consuming. I am not worried or upset. It's just all I think about or talk about.
It's funny how God speaks to us. I happen to be one of those people that God has to repeat himself over and over and over and over again before I get it. And the past couple of weeks, I keep hearing the same words over and over. I hear them in my pastor's message. I hear them in music. I hear them coming out of my friend's mouths. I see the words repeatedly in books I'm reading and especially in scripture.
So I am choosing to trust the one person who can actually do something about my uncertain life right now. I may not know what is going to happen, but I can rest assured that it will be something good. Romans 8:28
I am currently consumed with uncertainties. With our nation and economy where it is and by being a foster parent, uncertainty has become a way of life for me. Lately, it has become all consuming. I am not worried or upset. It's just all I think about or talk about.
It's funny how God speaks to us. I happen to be one of those people that God has to repeat himself over and over and over and over again before I get it. And the past couple of weeks, I keep hearing the same words over and over. I hear them in my pastor's message. I hear them in music. I hear them coming out of my friend's mouths. I see the words repeatedly in books I'm reading and especially in scripture.
So I am choosing to trust the one person who can actually do something about my uncertain life right now. I may not know what is going to happen, but I can rest assured that it will be something good. Romans 8:28
Friday, December 5, 2008
Happy Mom
I am emotionally drained. The past two weeks have been very difficult for our family. Most of my stress and exhaustion stem from foster care. Unfortunately I cannot go into detail, but I can say that I am beyond tired.
Usually when I am this drained, I really struggle with being a mom. But that has not been the case this time around. During the past two days I have had such blessed moments with each of my children.
My oldest son stayed up later than the younger ones last night. So he and I sat on the couch and read books and played a quick game of "Sorry!". We talked about school and some trouble he was having with some kids. This big seven year old boy stretched across my lap, gave me kisses and told me how much he loved me. He also made sure to remind me that I was not allowed to kiss him in front of his friends. It was a sweet moment and one that I desperately needed.
This morning, my husband made him a bowl of corn flakes for breakfast. My oldest began to ask his daddy for a banana, but changed his mind and asked me to cut up the banana onto his cereal. It was a time when I felt needed and wanted as a mom. No one can cut his bananas like his mommy. And I love it!
My youngest son is a character. He can be very difficult most days, but then he does something cute. Today was no exception. He woke up with a crinkled up nose and a mass of curly bed-head hair. He grunted and curled up in my lap. Then I asked him what day it was. He imediately grinned his huge dimpled grin. He was so excited it was Friday and his day for show-and-tell. He is the poster child for "TGIF".
And finally our foster daughter. She is as much of a challenge as my younger son, but on a different level. Yesterday I had a chance to spend some much needed one-on-one time with her. We talked and laughed, played memory and cuddled on the couch watching cartoons. It was beautiful!
God is an amazing God who knows exactly what I need and when I need it. Today is a day when I love being a mom. I wouldn't trade it for the world. These are the moments I want to remember on the tough days. I encourage you to write down your own sweet moments with your children. Keep them on hand to remember all of the wonderful things God does for us! He is so awesome!
Psalm 143:5
Usually when I am this drained, I really struggle with being a mom. But that has not been the case this time around. During the past two days I have had such blessed moments with each of my children.
My oldest son stayed up later than the younger ones last night. So he and I sat on the couch and read books and played a quick game of "Sorry!". We talked about school and some trouble he was having with some kids. This big seven year old boy stretched across my lap, gave me kisses and told me how much he loved me. He also made sure to remind me that I was not allowed to kiss him in front of his friends. It was a sweet moment and one that I desperately needed.
This morning, my husband made him a bowl of corn flakes for breakfast. My oldest began to ask his daddy for a banana, but changed his mind and asked me to cut up the banana onto his cereal. It was a time when I felt needed and wanted as a mom. No one can cut his bananas like his mommy. And I love it!
My youngest son is a character. He can be very difficult most days, but then he does something cute. Today was no exception. He woke up with a crinkled up nose and a mass of curly bed-head hair. He grunted and curled up in my lap. Then I asked him what day it was. He imediately grinned his huge dimpled grin. He was so excited it was Friday and his day for show-and-tell. He is the poster child for "TGIF".
And finally our foster daughter. She is as much of a challenge as my younger son, but on a different level. Yesterday I had a chance to spend some much needed one-on-one time with her. We talked and laughed, played memory and cuddled on the couch watching cartoons. It was beautiful!
God is an amazing God who knows exactly what I need and when I need it. Today is a day when I love being a mom. I wouldn't trade it for the world. These are the moments I want to remember on the tough days. I encourage you to write down your own sweet moments with your children. Keep them on hand to remember all of the wonderful things God does for us! He is so awesome!
Psalm 143:5
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