Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Having Flarp stuck in my hair is one Christmas memory I will never forget. But will my kids remember it?? Probably not.

I realize that I am one of very few people who can remember a great deal of their childhood. I actually have a memory of when I was still in my crib. I remember waking up from a nap, staring at my ceiling, and seeing the railing of my white crib. I remember standing up, holding onto the edge. I remember hearing dishes clanking together outside my room. I remember a large black spider crawling toward me. I remember being scared and screaming for someone to save me. I remember my older brother and sister coming into my room and pulling me out of my bed.

There are so many things I remember from my early childhood. Then I talk with friends who don't remember a thing before High School. It makes me wonder... what will my children remember??

There are moments in our days when I pray that they will remember. When we dance in our kitchen together, will they remember? When I tuck them in at night, rub their backs (like my daddy did), and pray for them, will they remember? Our family movie nights and game nights, will they remember? I pray that they forget the moments when I lose my temper or refuse to play a game because I am too busy folding laundry.

There are so many things I want my kids to remember. So, when they were born I began a journal for each child. During their first year or two, I wrote faithfully at least once a month. After that, my goal was to simply get in there at least once a year, on their birthday. But I often find myself jotting short entries in their books to remember something that they said or did that was too cute to forget.

Around Christmas time, I think a lot about the wonderful memories that I have. I want my kids to have some good ones, too.


Joe and Carolyn said...

It makes me happy to hear you have so many good memories. There are times when I have wondered if all you kids would remember were the bad ones. Your comments are very reassuring. Sorry about the flarp, but it was quite funny. Love you. MOM

Barbie Wagner said...

I like the idea of journaling for your kids. I started it for Abigail, but then being a recovering perfectionist, I want to go back in and add all the things I don't have time to write - when all I really need to do is write down today! I really wanted to get her baby book updated while I was off from work. Maybe tomorrow... Barbie