Sunday, April 5, 2009

Little brothers

My youngest son has discovered the art of copying what his siblings say. He actually calls himself "the copy machine".

As you would probably guess, this annoys and frustrates his older brother to no end. So I told him that when the copy machine starts copying, just quit talking. Then he won't have anything to copy. This worked for a little while.

Then Jake devised a plan to outsmart his little brother. (Or so he thought. ) Jake enticed "the copy machine" to turn on. Then he said, "Jake is #1 and Nick is #2".

To which my quick-witted, little copier replied with a rather devious giggle, "Nick is #1 and Jake is #3."

This immediately sent big brother into a frustrated, screaming frenzy through the house. My husband and I couldn't help but laugh. At four years old, he's one smart little bugger!


Bethany said...

Just makes me laugh...good one Nick:)

cvtharpe said...

Bella and Nick need to get together. She does this constantly and it gets on my nerves!!!! As mad as I get, I do have to admit it is funny. Tell Jake I feel his pain!