Monday, August 25, 2008

Good Way on a Bad Day

Today is a good day. I am definitely a happy mommy. I was able to get to the gym, go grocery shopping (sans kids :)), and I had a good half hour of uninterrupted quiet time with my God. So far, so good!

It is in these moments, these good times, that I am reminded that I need God the most. I need to use Him more now to store up His Word and listen to His voice. I need to prepare for the bad days that I know are coming. God never promises that we will have peaceful days for the rest of our Christian lives. He most definitely promises the opposite~ that we will have trials(James 1:2). And He says we need to be prepared in season and out of season(II Timothy 4:2). It is in these peaceful moments,like today, that I am most willing to listen to God . I don't have such a negative attitude. I can be thankful for the tiniest little things. And I can focus long enough on God (and not my own selfish problems) to be able to really store up God's Word in my heart.

This morning I came across Jeremiah 6:16. "Ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls." This is a new verse to me and one that I will store away to use when my soul is feeling unsettled. I am reminded to ask God on a daily basis what He feels is the best path for my life (whether it be to play with my kids or clean my house or rest my body.) I need to listen to His voice, and then I need to do it! These are not mere suggestions that God is offering. He is not saying that these actions might make me feel better on a particularly rotten day. This is a command!! And it comes with a promise that God will give my soul rest when I choose to obey Him.

I prayed this verse today. The "good way" for me this week is to take this precious time before school starts and create lasting memories for my children and me. Today we are going hiking up at Buttermilk Falls. My house is a disaster and it is driving me crazy! But I know that God has a better time planned for me to take care of the house, and today is not that day. I want my soul to be at rest by knowing that I am choosing the path that God has created just for me. It's funny that God would be making my "good way" an actual hiking trail through the woods.

We'll see where His path leads us today. I love knowing that I am choosing God's ways and then wondering what treasures He will lead me to. It's like seeing all the wrapped presents under the tree on Christmas Eve, knowing they are going to be great, but not yet being allowed to open them!

Something to think about (and maybe share with the rest of us)...
1. What does this verse mean to you? Jeremiah 6:16 Read it and put your name inside. God is speaking to you!

1 comment:

Lisa Hill said...

Beautiful post Karin. I have never heard that verse, but I am taking it down for future reference.

I am so happy you are doing this blog. God is blessing through it.

Lisa Hill