Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Wading Through the Crap

Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore, honor God with your body. I Corinthians 6:19 & 20

I have struggled with maintaining a healthy body all of my life. I don't like to exercise and I am most definitely an emotional eater. Many women are. For example, last Saturday I was having a rough morning for whatever reason (i really don't remember). So, I ate about ten Oreo cookies for breakfast. And it felt good! For the moment. Then I realized what I had done and felt even more miserable. Anyone out there know what I'm talking about?? This verse in I Corinthians is such a good verse for me. And it is one that God often brings to the forefront of my mind.

I must take care of the body (temple) that He gave me. This is not a suggestion, but a command from God. I must exercise daily. I must choose healthy foods to put in my body. I must rest and take care of me. When I don't do these things, I find that I am more susceptible to depression and just plain feeling rotten. And when I feel this way, I don't make a very good mommy. Now I am not saying that I need to go to the gym everyday and become a vegetarian. But I do need to get my body up and moving everyday. And I could eat a little more broccoli and a little less cookies. ( note- I said a little less cookies. I'm not giving them up all together. Cookies and a tall glass of milk are two of my best friends after a hard day.)

IMAGINE~ A church. Your sanctuary. No one has kept it up. It's dusty and dirty. There is trash laying around. The lights are out. The piano is out of tune. The windows are broken. You can hear the outside noise- lawnmowers, cars driving past, honking horns, and siblings arguing. The septic has overflowed. You have to wade through the crap in the foyer to even get to the sanctuary. The black gunk is oozing into your shoes. There is an overwhelming stench causing you to gag.

Why would we want to come here? Would you be able to focus and worship our God? You could do it and you probably would do your best to be with God here, but it would be VERY difficult to get much worshipping done.

Then why do I let my body get like this? ~ Crap to wade through, the outside world seeping in, darkness in the corners, dulled music. I have allowed myself to become unhealthy physically and mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Would God want to spend time in this sanctuary that I have created for Him? He lives in my heart no matter what the condition, but would He be happy to be there?

In order to be a good mom, I must first be with my God. I need a healthy and Holy place where we can meet. I need my physical body to be a cleaned up temple for God without any crap inside.

I'm working on it.

Something to think about ...(and maybe share with the rest of us)

1. What things are you doing that honors the temple that God gave you?

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