Honestly, the most difficult part for me as a mom is controlling my temper. I struggle with a lot when it comes to motherhood, but anger management is definitely at the top of my list.
I'd like to think that I have a hot temper because I am a natural red head. Or it could be because of the circumstances of my past. There are a lot of things I could blame my outbursts on. But I also know that these are all just excuses to validate my sin. I have a choice to make. God commands me to be self-controlled and even tempered (Proverbs 29:11). As usual, this is not a mere suggestion or practical advice, but a command from God. If I am giving full vent to my anger, then I am sinning. It's black and white. Fortunately, I have a compassionate God who loves me. I know that despite what has already happened, God can make something new~ without anger, without exploding.
Lord~ Today , I am seeking a verse to cling to that will help me to control my temper. When I feel the anger in the pit of my stomach moving up, I need God's Word to spill out of my heart, to change the anger to joy, to stop me in my tracks, to make me a new mommy (II Corinthians 5:17).
(Note~ It's OK to get angry. God and Jesus have both been angry. It's how I get angry and why I am angry that causes me to fall. It's more about controlling my emotions rather than letting them control me. But that's a topic for another day.)
Something to think about (and maybe share with the rest of us)...What verse do you cling to when you get angry??
BTW- I know that many of you who read this have very hectic schedules. So please do not feel the obligation to respond. I just want to get you thinking. But, on the other hand, there may be a mom out there who would benefit from your insight. Just a thought.
I want to thank you for your transparency. Although I do not struggle with anger as you describe, your post made me take a deeper look into the sin that I too validate, and it is a reminder that I have to continually work at, and OBEY His Word.
Wow, I was NEVER angry until I had our son. Then, something welled up inside of me that I've been trying to temper ever since. Maybe it's the control thing, how I'd like my kiddo to take my lead each and every time. Maybe it's because I'm a perfectionist by nature-also learning God IS perfect, not me, and that's a-okay...Anyway...the verse I cling to for many times-whether I'm angry, anxious, afraid, whatever is Psalm 46:10 "Be still and know that I am God." We're lent our children to love and form THROUGH Him. He has Grace on us, and we must remember when it comes to changing their behavior or attitudes it's a heart thing, and God is the controller of hearts and minds. We are vehicles to steer them toward wise choices, but He is in control and that's A-okay too. When I feel any emotion I can no longer handle on my own I try my best to give it to God and let Him handle it. In Him we live and move and breathe, (and parent). So, that's what I cling to-such a Great applicable Truth, actually, a command. His Grace endures, and through it we will also be able to administer Grace, handing the natural emotion of human anger over to the only One who can handle it for us, with us, and never let go of us. As mommies we are held, and can even be still in the midst of our own raging, angry storm inside. Love you, Karin. Thank you for prompting us to grow...
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