Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Holding My Tongue

So, usually my anger manifests itself into some pretty nasty things that come out of my mouth. Today I'd like to share some of my thoughts on holding my tongue...

Often times I get so angry that I say things that I wish I hadn't. I am not thinking about the words coming out and they are usually harmful. Sometimes I am trying to manipulate the situation to make it someone else's fault, when really I am the one to blame. (I am very good at that, by the way.) So, I ask myself, "What would happen if I were to keep my mouth shut when I get angry?"
  • Maybe I would have a calmer, quieter spirit.
  • Maybe I wouldn't sin in my anger.
  • Maybe I would do more listening.
  • Maybe I would have a clearer head to hear God's voice.
  • Maybe I would diffuse the situation.
  • Maybe I wouldn't hold onto my anger for so long.
  • Maybe I wouldn't even get angry.

There are so many verses to cover here, so I will save that for another day. For now, why don't you look up a verse or two and see what God has to say to you. Here are some of my favorites...

Proverbs 10:19; Proverbs 17:27; ***Proverbs 31:26***

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