Monday, January 5, 2009

Quiet Time

At the beginning of a new year, I want to encourage all of the mom's out there reading this. We all have good days and we all have bad days. No matter what kind of day you are having, there is one thing that is needed every day. You need time alone with your best friend, your Counselor, the creator of the universe. You may need this time with Him even before you find out what kind of day you are having.

If you've never had quiet time, alone with God, I encourage you to start today. If you have had quiet time in the past, but have let that time slip past you, I encourage you to start again today. He is waiting for you. The greatest desire of His heart is to spend time with you and with you alone.

Here are some tips to get you started (again)...
  • Start small. Maybe five minutes, maybe ten. Maybe one day a week, maybe three. Whatever works for you and God. Eventually that time may increase. It's not the quantity, but quality that counts.
  • Find a quiet spot. I close my bedroom door and turn on the noisemaker. Sometimes I lock myself in the bathroom.
  • I put in a video for my kids. I make sure they have something to do independently for the time I need. I tell them that I am having quiet time and to please leave me alone until their movie is over. I tell them that I will be a happy mommy if I can have some time to be with God. They like seeing a happy mommy. If you have little ones, nap time is a perfect time.
  • Have everything in one spot. I keep a Bible, notebook, pen and maybe a devotional book all together.
  • Make it a priority! The dishes and laundry will still be there when you are done. And you can quickly fill up your time with "things to do." All of a sudden, there is no time left in the day for the one thing you need most.
  • What to do?? Begin with prayer- be thankful, ask forgiveness, pray for others, pray for yourself. Read your Bible. I like Proverbs and Psalms the best. Sing praises. Listen to some praise songs. Read a devotional. Journal your thoughts and prayers.
  • Know your distractors and be prepared for them. Your kids may interupt. Make sure they know how important this time is to you. Turn the phone off. Pray for focus.

Something to think about (and maybe share with the rest of us)...

1.What are your stumbling blocks to having quiet time with God?

2. What are some other tips you may have for busy moms looking for a little alone time with Jesus?


7redz said...

I like that you said "maybe a devotional". My favorite quiet time is when I spend time just reading God's word. God called me several years ago to cut out the devotional, the Bible study book (the middle man) etc. It was getting in the way of Him speaking directly to me. I was spending more time trying to understand what the author was trying to conclude or the lesson they were trying to teach and not directly on what God was trying teach me. My favorite is The Daily Bible 365 Daily Bible Readings (in chronological order). But if you really want a devotional my favorite is Women of the Bible (A One-year Devotional Study of Women in the Scripture by Ann Spangler and Jean E Syswerda)

Barbie Wagner said...

You are so right! "things" will always be there. I drive A LOT for work. I like to carry cd's from church sermons I've missed, or listen to the JOY FM (a GREAT christiant station!) But a lot of times I will turn everything off and just talk with Him. It's a quiet time and I can't find "something else to do" when He is telling me something I don't like to hear...