Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I am a mom

I am a mom. Some days I am a good mom. Some days I am a bad mom. Some days I am a happy mom. Often I am a sad mom. No matter where I go or what I do... I am and always will be a mom.

Motherhood does not come naturally to me. Many little girls grow up playing "house" and having tea parties with their dolls. Not me. I grew up building forts and playing war in the woods with my big brother and the neighborhood kids. I never took dance class. I never did gymnastics. I climbed trees and played baseball.

I always knew that I wanted children and I always assumed that motherhood was a natural concept for all females. I was wrong. I used to tell people that I did not like being a mom. That was not entirely true. I love my kids and I really do love being a mom. It's just that being a mom is very difficult for me. And yet, here I am ~ a mother to three children (four, if you count the one I married). Of course, our almighty God who is in control of every aspect of my life could have chosen to give me quiet and obedient children. But no. He has chosen to send me to the brink of insanity with what kind-hearted people like to call "active" children. They don't stop moving. They don't stop talking. They don't stop!!! Whose idea was it to have kids anyways??? Oh yeah, mine.

In April 2008, I realized that God wanted me to really focus on being a mom- to stop doubting myself and struggling with my inability to properly mother my children. I have great role models that I look to, like my own mom and big sister. But I also have a manual on motherhood that I have never even looked at - the Bible. So here begins my quest through motherhood. What exactly is a mom anyways? What does God say about moms? What does a "good" mom look like? How can I find joy in a job that is so difficult for me??

I pray that this journey will encourage and inspire you along the way. Motherhood is such a precious gift, and I want to enjoy every second of it!!! How about you?

Psalm 25:4-5
(I will often post scripture references without the verse written out. I hope this will encourage you to open your Bible and listen to God's voice as He speaks to you through His Word.)

Something to think about (and maybe share with the rest of us)...
1. What do you hope to accomplish as a mother?
2. What does the "world" tell us about moms (in the news, media, movies, etc.)?
3. Is there a special scripture that you cling to as a mother?

Lovin Christ so I can better love my babies,


Anonymous said...

As Mommy I hope to leave my child with a better, more hopeful view of the world and the possibilities for my child to contribute to it in his own, wonderful, handcrafted by God manner. He has an imprint to leave on the world, and that imprint was specifically given to Him by God. What have I to do but rely on God to help my son to achieve these good purposes. I can't do it without God's help, that's for sure!!!

The world tells us moms are to make their children perfect, reflections of their own best versus the drawing the out the best in their children. Parenting is not about me. My child is not a reflection of me. My child is a reflection of who he is supposed to be, the good, the bad, the ugly, the unique and wonderful person he was created to be.

A special Scripture I cling to as a mom, for I'm so working on this right now is:

Ephesians 6:4

"Don't exasperate your children by coming down hard on them. Take them by the hand and lead them in the way of the Master."

My way is not the way of the master in the flesh, but I'm so working on His way. Training up and requiring obedience does not mean I am an angry, yelling, emotional mess. Only God can change my parenting and my submission to how He would have me parent. I didn't write the manual, thank God!!!

Anonymous said...

I've been blessed to have a mama for 59 years and I have been a mama for 22 years. The only thing that I know is that I have never doubted for one moment in my life that I am loved. I think that is a beautiful gift and it is the gift that I give to my son. I am not a perfect mother and neither was my mother but what better legacy than to know that you are unconditionally loved by someone so you can catch a glimpse of the unconditional love of God.