Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Play Daze

I love vacations.

We are currently in Georgia visiting my parents until we all leave for Florida on Saturday. My husband is untangling the fishing lines right now so Grandpa can take his grandkids up to the fishing pond.

The kids have been swimming every day. I think they could have won a place on the Olympic swim team by now.

I am enjoying just playing with my kids. It's nice to not have the day-to-day responsibilities of being in my own home. Although, it is a challenge for me. I have caught myself on more than one occasion picking up and organizing and cleaning when I should have been playing and relaxing. It is a conscious effort for me to relax.

Today, I was mumbling under my breath at my husband. I was getting everything ready for our trip to the aquarium (snacks, dressing the kids, breakfast~ You know the drill) Anyways, I could overhear him and the kids, "Duck, Duck, Duck, Duck, Duck, GOOSE!" I was jealous. It is my vacation, too. I want to play with my kids, too. I don't want to have to be doing all of the same old stuff I have to do when I'm at home. I want to play duck, duck, goose! (I am reminded of a previous post. I. I. I.... hhmmmmm) Again I am sidetracked. Sorry.

When everything was done, I went to see to the kids and my husband was not ready, yet. I was a little frustrated because we needed to leave soon. But I decided to be nice and give him some alone time in the bathroom (a rare occurrence in our home). Very soon after his daddy left the room, my youngest son invited me to play a rousing game of duck, duck, goose. And guess what my initial response was?? The first thought to come to my head was, "Duck, duck, goose? I'm tired. I don't want to sit on the floor and then get up and run around. I've been running around all morning. Do I have to play?... STOP!" I caught myself in mid-thought and quickly replied to my patiently waiting son, "Yes. Absolutely. Let's go. You're the first Duckie" What is wrong with me?? Am I destined to complain all the way through my entire life? I want to play with my kids. I don't want to play with my kids. I want to play with them. I don't.

The story of Mary and Martha comes to the front of my memory today. My sweet, sweet husband chose the better thing. He chose to play with his children in the moment when the moment was there whether he needed a shower or not. I chose to do things. My hair and making the beds became more important than my children this morning. Not for long, but still. They weren't my first choice.

I'm on vacation. I have an opportunity to spend my days just playing. I will choose what is better. And I can't wait.


Momma Bear said...

I too struggle with this very thing...I love my children dearly and now that time is moving quickly..so sometimes I just force myself to sit and play...and you know what??? I enjoy myself!!! :) I'm glad you enjoyed duck duck goose!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you're playing even when you don't feel like it. I wasn't played with as a child and it hurt. I'm only now beginning to learn how to play and enjoy the miracle of the moment. Happy vacation real sister! I'm still trying to get my light sabre skills down-so still a Padwan learner compared to my lil' Jedi. Blessings!

Lisa Hill said...


I am right there with you. I try to remind myself "it's just a season of my life" and it really is! God Bless you!