Monday, July 21, 2008


Today, I began a blog on a completely different topic. But my mind kept wandering and I could not maintain focus on any single topic. Then I heard that still, small voice in the back of my head, "Karin, you need to rest." I have been going non-stop for weeks now, trying to keep up with my house and kids. Trying to make everyone in my life happy. I'm tired. I need a nap.

My kids are at an age where the word "nap" is a curse word never to be uttered aloud. So I have been teaching them that even God rested. Yes, even our big, hard-working God has taken a break. He rested after creating our world. We, as human beings, need to rest in the same capacity. Our earthly bodies are designed for it. God's job was not done on the seventh day, in fact it was just beginning. Yet, he chose to rest. My to-do lists will never end. I have never had an empty list. Have you? So what am I waiting for? And why am I writing this blog? I'm taking a break today ~ even if it's only to have a cup of tea or close my eyes for ten minutes.
Hebrews 4:10

Something to think about (and maybe share with the rest of us)...
1. How do you "rest"?
2. Do you have regular periods of rest?
3. If so, please share with us how you fit this into your schedule as a mom? I'd really like to know!


Anonymous said...

I rest because life has taught me to. I I choose not to rest I get sick. I hate being sick! I take naps, I pray, I write, I get a few extra zzzs. I take an hour away from everyone and everything at least once a week. It's worth it. Saying no to things that don't match up with my priorities or loving people leaves a lot more time too. Rest is a blessing!

7redz said...

Like Michelle I rest to stay healthy. Almost everyday we have a "quiet time"... everyone has to stay in their room (or a separate place for those who share rooms) and nap or read(look at books for non readers- but I give them a huge stack). It really helps them get along the rest of day as well. Sometimes they resist but it really is not optional.